So I decided to make a post specifically dedicated to my amigurumi Venusuar doll. I used my own original pattern to create him. I did not write down the pattern, so don't ask for one. It took about 3 hours total time to make him.
He is very blue ^__^ I used a couple red buttons for his eyes
He is slightly larger than my Venusaur Pokedoll.
See ya later
Life of a Pokemon Collector
A blog that will describe everything that Pokemon collecting involves. The hardships and the victories Everything
Friday, August 2, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
My Full Collection as of July/August 2013
Hello anyone!
Today I thought it was about time to post my entire Pokemon collection on my blog! I do not have the largest collection or the rarest collection, but it's my collection and I love it!
Today I thought it was about time to post my entire Pokemon collection on my blog! I do not have the largest collection or the rarest collection, but it's my collection and I love it!
Here is a shot of my collection wall! There are a few non-Pokemon items and this is not all of my pokemon stuff.
The first shelf in my collection is my Raichu figure shelf. The figures here are: Bootleg yellow light up keychain, TOMY Auldey model, TOMY figure MIB, Thinkchip figure, Jakks figure, BK figure, 4 kids figures, older TOMY figure, Tiny Keychain figre, rolly stamp figure. Other things are : Raichu magnet, misc flats, Marble case, and Stamper with Venusaur on the back.
Next shelf down has the Raichu plushies. These plush are: PbP Backpack, Hasbro beanie, Bootleg plush, and Friends plush
Next to the Raichu shelf are the Piplup line plushies. These plushies are Shiny DX Empoleon, Talking Prinplup MIB, Keldeo plush, Piplup DX UFO, Talking Prinplup plush, Toy Factory Piplup plush, Takara Tomy talking Piplup, Piplup Pokedoll, Empoleon UFO
Next are the Piplup figures. In the back there are some smaller plush: Crying emotions plush, handmade needlefelt, Jakks trow plush,tiny laying plush, Sparkling TOMYplush, and canvas plush. Next there are tons of figures: Prinplup Jakks (x2), Piplup Pokedoll figure, TFG figure, Random Piplup figure, Retsuden stamper, Bouncy ball with piplup on it, Empoleon fid, 2 Prinplup kids, 5 Piplup kids (one of which is clear), and a tiny pencil topper. There are also some flats in the front along with a button.
On the top left shelf thee are a bunch of Kanto and Johto TOMY figures. On the lower left shelf there are various electric type pokemons. Jolteon DX plush, Jolteon Pokedoll, Plusle and Minun Hasbro plush, Tynamo MPC, Pikachu kid, Pachirisu kid, Plusle and Minun kids, Pichu stamper, Pichu TOMY, and 2 Pichu kids. There are also some misc flats in front. On the bottom right shellf there are various monkeys and grass starters. Panpour Pokedoll, Pansear DX UFO, Axew Jakks reversible plush, Chicorita UFO, Toy Factory Turtwig, Jakks Snivy, Serperior bottlecap figure, Turtwig kid, and Chikorita kid. There is also a Johto starter notebook on the right side of the shelf. On the upper right shelf is my Flareon collection along with some Vulpix and Cyndaquil. KFC Vulpix plush (x2), Cyndaquil Pokedoll, Cyndaquil shoulder buddy, Cyndaquil friends plush, I <3 Eevee Flareon keychain plush, Cyndaquil and Typhlosion TOMY figures, Clear Flareon kid figure, Flareon TOMY, and Flareon Ippai figure.
The shelf on the right has all of my remaining Meowth items, since I stopped collecting him. Team Rocket balloon, Hasbro plush, Jakks figure, dome figure, TOMY figure, two kid figures. On the left shelf is my side collection of Palkia, Giratina and Poliwhirl. Palkia UFO, Poliwhirl traet keeper plush, Poliwhrath BK figure, Metal Poliwhirl figure, rolly Poliwhirl figure, Poliwag top, Latios kid figure, Giratina and Palkia rollers.
There are a lot of misc things on this shelf. Rufflet MPC, Marril plush, Spearow Applause, Taillow Hasbro, Smeargle friends plush (under Taillow), KFC Seel plush, Oshawott keychain by Jakks, Lickitung reversable plush, Sandshrew Applause plush, Mewtwo bottlecap figure, Dragonite BK figure, Tepig bottlecap figure, Nidorihno BK figure, Charizard thinkchip, Marill TOMY, Espeon thinkchip, Charmeleon thinkchip, Arcanine BK figure.
The final shelf is my Bulbasaur shelf. Large action Venusaur figure, Bulbasaur Applause plush, Large PbP Bulbasaur plush, Amigurumi Venusaur made by me, Bulbasaur BK figure, Rolly Bulbasaur figure, Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and venusaur TOMY figures, Bulbasaur rolly stamp, and Green metal Bulbasaur.
Also on my Pokemon wall is my bulletin board with a bunch of Pokemon flats on it. Map to the Tokyo Pokemon center, Eevee Ippai insert, Pokedoll tags for Raichu, Venusaur, Latios, Cyndaquil, and Panpour, Charm sets of Raichu line, Cyndaquil line, Piplup line, Latios, and Minun, Flareon DX tag, Piplup canvas tag, Raichu magnet insert, Abra kids sticker, VHS insert with Raichu and Pikachu, Magneton kid.
On top of the Pokemon shelf I put my spider pokemon next to my pet spider. Spinarak action figure, Galvantula MPC, Ariados and Spinarak kids, Spinarak TOMY, and Joltik needlefelt by me.
Moving away from the Pokemon wall, we have kid figures. Mewtwo, Brock, Diagla, Stantler, Moltrese, Darkrai, Chimchar, Furret, Staraptor, Lapras, Aipom (fell down), Clear Horsea (also fell down), Totodile, Taillow, Cubone, Donphan, Seadra, Gloom, Phanpy, Pidgeotto (fell down), Bunneary, Mespirit, Celebii, Ditto, Cyndaquil, Dratini, Abra,Bidoof, Chansey, Pidgey
On my bed I have Jakks giant Palkia plush, DX Flareon plush, Raichu Pokedoll, Venusaur Pokedoll, Laying PC Piplup plush, Poliwhirl hasbro beainie, there is also a Latios Pokedoll but he cannot be seen in the pictures.
I hope anyone reading this enjoys it! I will be posting soon-ish with some new stuff
Sunday, June 9, 2013
I've been away from here for far too long. I'm back now because it is summer vacation and I have moved finally! I don't have any pictures yet, but I will have some soon. There will be a buttload of ebay/LJ sales soon. I need money for things for my car and school stuff (really need to start saving hardcore for college).
I have also made some important-ish decisions about my collecting habits. Only going to collect certain pokemon these pokemon will be Raichu, Piplup, Bulbasaur, Flareon, and Palkia and poliwhirl. Those are the only ones I will buy until the new gen. I fell head over heels for the Panda (I fucking love pandas)
Going to work on my sales and summer school homework,
Until next time,
I have also made some important-ish decisions about my collecting habits. Only going to collect certain pokemon these pokemon will be Raichu, Piplup, Bulbasaur, Flareon, and Palkia and poliwhirl. Those are the only ones I will buy until the new gen. I fell head over heels for the Panda (I fucking love pandas)
Going to work on my sales and summer school homework,
Until next time,
Saturday, April 20, 2013
I'm alive!
It's been a while since I posted here! Just a lack of time
I did get the second Palkia and it went more smoothly than I expected. Got both of my Raichu items and got a Piplup throw plush. I will be able to update everything next time...probably tomorrow if I finish my English essay. I haven't moved yet but we found a place we want (can't wait to unpack everything!!). Ummm...I think that's it...oh, I also pre-ordered a Venusaur Pokedoll. SUPER EXCITED!!!!
See ya later
I did get the second Palkia and it went more smoothly than I expected. Got both of my Raichu items and got a Piplup throw plush. I will be able to update everything next time...probably tomorrow if I finish my English essay. I haven't moved yet but we found a place we want (can't wait to unpack everything!!). Ummm...I think that's it...oh, I also pre-ordered a Venusaur Pokedoll. SUPER EXCITED!!!!
See ya later
Sunday, March 31, 2013
More ebay stuffs
Well, even though I swear I'm done with ebay I still go back XD. This time I won a Jakks Raichu! I really needed it and it was at a good, reasonable price.
I payed for my magnet and it has been shipped! I didn't want to wait for the Realtor to get back to us before paying ~
Lastly, I still have not heard or seen anything from the Palkia2 seller..... What should I do? I'm probably going to post on PKMNcollectors if I don't hear anything by Wednesday >.<
Also these
I payed for my magnet and it has been shipped! I didn't want to wait for the Realtor to get back to us before paying ~
Lastly, I still have not heard or seen anything from the Palkia2 seller..... What should I do? I'm probably going to post on PKMNcollectors if I don't hear anything by Wednesday >.<
Also these
From left to right: Flareon, Wooper, Raichu, and a goofy face my mom made
Saturday, March 30, 2013
What's Left of My Collection
As I've mentioned before I'm moving soon, which means most of my collection is packed away. I still have some of my plush left out! So, here they are
They are so beautiful! This is only a very small portion of my collection. You can see that I still only have one palkia >.<
Here are some more pictures

There are the closeups! First we have the Giant Jakks Palkia and the laying TOMY cyndaquil plush.
Then there is the DX I <3 Eevee Flareon plush (nicknamed Hillel) and the DX Empoleon plush (nicknamed Emperor of Awesome)
Next is the Play by Play Raichu backpack plush and the Giant Meowth plush
And last (and certainly not least) are my 2 remaining Pokedolls, Raichu (nicknamed Anthony) and Latios. Also my DX I <3 Eevee Jolteon plush (nicknamed Thor)
Here is my non-ranty post of the week XD I hope to not have to rant much more...the Palkia2 seller still has not updated anything or sent me another message >.< ugh! Hopefully I get to look at houses today so I can finally pay for my magnet (this is probably bugging me more than it should>.>)
They are so beautiful! This is only a very small portion of my collection. You can see that I still only have one palkia >.<
Here are some more pictures
There are the closeups! First we have the Giant Jakks Palkia and the laying TOMY cyndaquil plush.
Then there is the DX I <3 Eevee Flareon plush (nicknamed Hillel) and the DX Empoleon plush (nicknamed Emperor of Awesome)
Next is the Play by Play Raichu backpack plush and the Giant Meowth plush
And last (and certainly not least) are my 2 remaining Pokedolls, Raichu (nicknamed Anthony) and Latios. Also my DX I <3 Eevee Jolteon plush (nicknamed Thor)
Here is my non-ranty post of the week XD I hope to not have to rant much more...the Palkia2 seller still has not updated anything or sent me another message >.< ugh! Hopefully I get to look at houses today so I can finally pay for my magnet (this is probably bugging me more than it should>.>)
Friday, March 29, 2013
Collecting Woes...
Well, today I was browsing ebay and found a freaking fuzzy raichu DX plush!! It pops up when I have absolutely no money ;-; This sort of thing always least I won the magnet :)
We were supposed to go look at houses today, but that didn't happen so I have to put off paying for the magnet a little longer. I don't like paying for ebay things so late. I almost always pay for them right after the auction ends
Lastly, as I said in my last post, the seller of Palkia 2 contacted me saying that it would be shipped today and tracking would be added later today. It's almost 7 here and I believe they are a few hours ahead of me... GAH!! this makes me so angry! Why lie about shipping times? If you tell me "I'll ship it on _____day" I will be fine with that. I just hate how people can do this ugh
sorry for the rant! will have more pictures soon
We were supposed to go look at houses today, but that didn't happen so I have to put off paying for the magnet a little longer. I don't like paying for ebay things so late. I almost always pay for them right after the auction ends
Lastly, as I said in my last post, the seller of Palkia 2 contacted me saying that it would be shipped today and tracking would be added later today. It's almost 7 here and I believe they are a few hours ahead of me... GAH!! this makes me so angry! Why lie about shipping times? If you tell me "I'll ship it on _____day" I will be fine with that. I just hate how people can do this ugh
sorry for the rant! will have more pictures soon
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