So many Pokemon related thoughts on my mind....should I tell bad news first? I think I shall
First! I am happy that I wound up bidding on two giant Palkias, but....the second one is coming from an ebay seller who has absolutely no feedback. I knew the risks when placing the bid, but yeah I don't know. It's been 3 days since I sent my payment and it hasn't even been marked as shipped :( They just sold a 1:1 Cyndaquil plush for $300+ I hope they know that they won't get any money if items aren't received. Thinking back, I knew the price for Palkia was a little too good to be true ;-; Now I know better!
EBAY SURVIVAL TIP #1: If it's too good to be true, it most likely is
EBAY SURVIVAL TIP #2: Try your best to not bid on items from a user with no feedback. You might get scammed (also a tip for people starting out on ebay: try to buy a couple things first to get some feedback)
I haven't been totally scammed yet, but I feel like that is a major possibility. Will update when I receive a reply...Maybe that should be "if I receive a reply"...
Second! I am going to do a bootleg comparison after I move! Going to buy a super cheap Latios "pokedoll" from HK so I can compare it with my real American Pokedoll! The one I'm looking at is like $0.01 so this should be fun!
Last! I'm finally going to be moving!! I will have a new place to set up my collection and finally take pictures for it on here :3. Right now everything but a few plush is packed up! Will update ASAP when all moved!!
Also the snow is almost gone, so I can go outside to photograph my Palkia plush